--------------------Anna's Aquarium-------------

May 10,
I have just filled up my 75 gal.tank today.
The fish for the tank are in quarantine tanks in my room right now.this has got to be the hardest part of fish keeping,waiting for the tank to cycle.
to help the cycle get started I poured some water from tank that had been running a long time into this tank.

May 17,
I put in the first fish,A female Betta.
She seems in be enjoying the big tank,after being in such a small cup for so long at the pet store.

May 21,
Slowly one by one I'm starting to move the quarantined fish into the 75.
only a couple are moved every week.
the quarantine fish include,
4 dwarf sunset Gourami,
1 honey Gourami
1 blue dwarf Gourami
4 Otocinclus
2 Angelfish
2 panda Corydoras
3 Julii Corydoras
1 pepper Corydora
2 bronze Corydoras
and 1 albino Corydora

right now I'm looking for Kuhli Loaches but I have not found a store that sells them yet.
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